Friday, February 02, 2007

The Real World Was Fun, but I Like It Here

I finally got my internet back and had to get to updating. Who knew that being gone from the internet for so long would be such a time consuming battle once you came back. Computer updates, virus resets, finding you have 376 emails waiting to be read, oh just all priceless.

My last entry was on my birthday and so much has happened since. I could go back and recap the last 4 months but the end of last year came and went and I have read enough recaps lately to make ones eyes cross. Wow, how was that for a run on sentence. Eat your heart out Mrs. Stahl! (My 5th grade English teacher)

I have to say hi to all my blogging friends. I have missed you all. It will take me a little while to catch up on everything going on with everyone. I will try to visit everyone's blogs. It will probably take me the next 3 months just to do that.

I would like to congratulate my little bro Marko for having his blog picked to be highlighted at Way to go! I told you that you always have something to say and your interests and opinions are so what is needed. Whether interesting or not there is always a place for them. Keep up the blogging!

I myself on the other hand have found that I really only have a day to day thought entry for my blog. It won't save the world or ignite a war (hopefully) but it gives me a place to feel welcome no matter what my frame of mind.

I have been asked about the car situation a lot through my emails and also here and there. Yes, I did finally buy a car. It was quite scary. It has been along time since I have had a car payment and being on your own financially makes it almost terrifying. I bought a 1995 Ford Contour and I really like it. I will put a picture in this entry for you all.

I receive lots of miss you messages and would like you say also thank you for the concern. Maybe now I can get back in contact with everyone. I can not promise a entry everyday but I will do my best to be here more.

For now I have to go I will be back soon!


Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

Welcome back Dawner - I was wondering where you went.


7:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad to see that you are back. we missed ya.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Dawner said...

Thanks it took awhile but I made it. I missed my blog world too...

12:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Welcome back sis!

1:49 PM  

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