Monday, January 30, 2006

Question Of The Day

Today is rack your brain day in my world. Three questions.

1) If you would of been alive during the period of cowboys and indians what would your occupation have been?

If you have ever seen the series Deadwood I wood have to say I would have been Calamity Jane. Occupation: The town drunk, What else besides drinking and child bearing was a women worth then? I only wish they would of had better dentists back then.

2) Something terrible has just happen to you and you have to pick one super-hero to save you. Who would it be and why?

I have fallen and can't get up, call the inventor of the clapper. I bet he's a hero in someones eyes.

3) You walk into a store and see someone shop lifting huge amounts of mechandise, the person knows that you saw them and asks you, "If you don't say anything I will split it all with you." Knowing that the store has no idea that this person has taken anything, do you split it or tell the store owner?

In all honesty I would have to say I would tell the store owner.

O.K. that is enough for me I must sleep. Work lastnight was about crazy and my mind and body are telling me it is shut down time with or without me. Enjoy! Later!


Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

1) Fur trader. Would have loved it. And yes, I would have eaten the flesh of the animals I killed.

2) Storm? The Bionic Woman? That's a tough one.

3) I'd tell. Sorry thief.

10:43 PM  
Blogger Michael K. Althouse said...

1) If you would of been alive during the period of cowboys and indians what would your occupation have been?

I would have been a frontiersman of some sort. Perhaps a trapper like ZS or an explorer. I'd have been a rugged individualist! (Did they have those then?)

2) Something terrible has just happen to you and you have to pick one super-hero to save you. Who would it be and why?

Spiderman. Definitely Spiderman. I can identify with him and you gotta love a guy that can stick to walls!

3) You walk into a store and see someone shop lifting huge amounts of mechandise, the person knows that you saw them and asks you, "If you don't say anything I will split it all with you." Knowing that the store has no idea that this person has taken anything, do you split it or tell the store owner?

Hell no! If I wanted to get stuff that way, I would steal it myself. At least that way I get what I want. Sorry dude - busted!

12:54 AM  
Blogger Dawner said...

ZS & Mike- I could really image you ZS being a fur trader. Mike you seem to fit the explorer part.

Storm is my all-time favorite hero too. I can't wait till the Storm movie comes out. My second favorite is Spider-man.

I can't stands thiefs, I think there is nothing worse.

1:45 PM  

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