Monday, October 10, 2005

Weird, Stange and Sometimes Bewildering

Some strange things have been happening around the United States and most just make you laugh or think, What the hell were they thinking?
Here's the laughs for today!

Charlottesville, Virginia- Federal Agents searched an man's house because they believed he possessed illegal drugs. They searched everywhere, and were about to assume that he moved, when they heard a noise coming from the frige. They looked inside and there was the man, calmly drinking a soda.

Sandusky, Ohio- A man was charged with negligent assult after he shot his wife's hat thinking it was a rat. The hat was on his wife's head at the time. The same man had previously shot himself in the foot while trying to shoot a rat.

Kansas- A man was charged with holding up a shoe store. He stole about 70$ in shoes. At his trial the man showed up wearing the boots he stole, with the tags still on. He was found guilty and the shoes were returned to the store.

Tennessee- An inmate escaped from jail and led police on a long chase sometimes reaching 150 mph. When he was caught he stated that he intended to turn himself in all along. He was driving fast because he wanted to get far enough ahead from the police to make it clear he was going to stop.

Woburn, Massachusetts- A baptist church was caught luring children in with pizza, and then baptizing them without parental consent.

Pikeville, Kentucky- A bank robber was easily caught by surveillance cameras. He thought rubbing citric acid on his face would blur the picture, as you can obviously tell, it didn't work.

Ogden, Utah- A man wearing a clown costume went to a mechanic's trailer. The clown asked for a woman named Kathy. After the mechanic denied knowing a person named Kathy, the clown accused him of having an affair with her, and hit him over the head with a lamp. The clown was never found

Appleton, Wisconsin- Darrell Voeks stole $100,000 worth of pigs to help pay for breast implants for his favorite stripper at a club. He got ten years in prison.

Key West, Florida- One restaurant owner killed another during a argument over how to put silverware into a dishwasher correctly.

Mount Shasta, California- Joy Glassman was a loving mother. She always wanted her sons to succeed in life. Then she went to far. Her sons grew up to be firemen, and joy intentionally set fires to help their careers. After five fires in one month she was arrested for arson.

Oh how funny people in the world are. I tell myself how crazy and different I am, but it is so nice to see that I am on a wave length of sanity that is purely inspirational.
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Blogger Dawner said...

hey there dark how are you? you haven't updated your blog in awhile! hope to see some new stuff soon.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Those were a trip!

12:19 AM  
Blogger Bradley Herring said...

Hey, dawner. Just stopping in to say hi.

Thanks for the blog visits and the kind words!

3:14 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Ogden, Utah- A man wearing a clown costume went to a mechanic's trailer. The clown asked for a woman named Kathy. After the mechanic denied knowing a person named Kathy, the clown accused him of having an affair with her, and hit him over the head with a lamp. The clown was never found

For some reason, I can't help thinking of the Devil's Rejects, that 2nd Rob Zombie movie.

12:27 AM  

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