Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Well I have finally come to a point in my life where I just don't know what direction to go next. Lately I have really been slacking in a lot of areas in my life. I recently decided to take a term off from school as I try to clear my head of the break up with Steve. At first it seemed like a good idea but now I find myself not wanting to go back. I love school and all the work that I have put into it yet it seems like I can't get focused on anything. I seem to hate the idea of going through school all on my own. I mean before he was pretty much my push factor behind the whole school thing. Now for some reason I feel like I can't concentrate on anything. Every time I open a book I think of that fuckin asshole. I think time heals all wounds but it sure would be nice if that were days instead. My whole life I have pushed myself to the limits and yet still I have nothing to show for it. I have a year left of school and then I will have my bachelor's degree yet I'm also scared of what I will do after that. Everytime I go to a new job interview it seems they look at me and smile, then send me a nice card in the mail to say I'm OVERQUALIFIED. It makes me wonder sometimes why I am working so hard. Also for what I'm I work toward.

Then there is the whole aspect of being alone while I go through all this. I have recently meet the most wonderful man. He is just unbelievable to me. Yet I am so scared that with working full time and school full time that he will feel like he is left out. I try my hardest to find time for everyone yet it doesn't seem to work. Then over the weekend we decided to go rent a movie. It started off as a rather good plan. We walk into the rental place and low and behold there is Steve with this thing called a woman. I have to add she is the ugliest woman I have ever seen in my life. It was bad. We got our movie and left. My brother would be proud though they walked right passed us and I didn't mutter a sound. God I wanted to though. The only way I see all that is that I am so much better then that woman and he really lost out. But it was his decision and if he wouldn't have made it I would have never have meet Jason.

I really hesitated with the whole involving myself in another relationship. Yet the more I thought about it I don't deserve to be miserable and Steve is so not worth any hurt from me. I have begun to spend a lot of time with Jason. Everything about us just fits like a glove. He is so much more mature then anyone I have every dated. His respect level for me and people just flatters me. Respect seems to have gotten lost over the years. I think respect and honestly are camping out on some deserted island. That must be why so few people can find them. All in all I am trying to take things slow, yet anyone that has found love in there lives knows that is the last easy thing to try and do in a relationship.

Well this is getting rather long and I could probably type all night. I have to go to work though. The art today is called "Grayness". I am not sure about the artist. It is on the art though. I look for so much art that I can't always remember the artists. Enjoy! Later.


Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

I like this piece (Grayness) too.

I hate the overqualified letter. I was out of work for almost two years, and we were getting close to bankruptcy and all I got were these overqualified letters. It was driving me nuts. I feel your pain. :(

but then, everything just started clicking. After almost two years of bad luck, everything started going right. So just have patience. Life is like that with its ups and downs.

11:03 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Steve made his choice and you are a much better person without him, Im proud of you for walking away, sometimes silence is the best revenge. You are a strong person and you know you have alot to offer. Search yourself and you WILL do whats right for you, you always do. Awesome pic, Grayness is definitly what it portrays. Love ya!

10:18 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Has your blog passed away...he he I know your busy little bee!

1:21 PM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

Yo! Missing your posts. You haven't retired too, have you?

9:08 PM  

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